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Spring launch schedule loaded. See below . . .


NOTICE - Launch Fees are now $20 per flyer.
SPARKY MOTORS - If you would like to fly a sparky motor, you must notify the LCO in advance.

You are responsible for reading and understanding the CLUB RULES

Any high power rocket with an H or larger motor MUST have rail buttons that are compatible with 1010 or 1515 rails.


Mar 1
Mar 9 (Sunday)
Mar 22
Apr 5
Apr 13 (Sunday)
Apr 27
May 4 (Sunday)
May 10 (This date ONLY if May 4 is canceled due to weather)
May 17 (cross your fingers....most likely the field will be planted by then)
May 24 ("dream date"....most likely the field will be planted by then)

A word from our Prefect:

Hello Everyone-

I truly hope this note finds you all well and enjoying the new year! I wanted to reach out to post the Spring launch dates! I also wanted to let you know the club equipment is being prepared to be fully refurbished, so look forward to smooth rails and nice pads in the Spring!

NEW this year are some SUNDAY launch dates. Please make sure to note this and mark your calendars! As it is, each month will have one Sunday launch date. SLI Students, this especially helps you since between WSR (NAR 703) and TMO, there is a launch scheduled EVERY weekend in March to help you prepare for your trip to Huntsville. School and SLI teams, please remember to read the TMO club rules on the Tripoli Mid-Ohio website ( www.tripolimidohio31.com ), and reach out to me PRIOR to club trips to TMO launches. Looking forward to seeing you all in the Spring!

Andrew Kleinhenz
TRA#12272 L3
Prefect: Tripoli Mid-Ohio

Please keep an eye on this page and/or our facebook page.
We will follow up with restrictions as we learn them.

Merlin Missile Works should be attending most of our launches to provide all your rocketry needs. Contact them at merlinmissiles.com


Tripoli Mid-Ohio is an association of the Tripoli Rocketry Association Prefecture #31: Tripoli Mid-Ohio. We are privileged to fly on the Standing Oaks Enterprises excellent fields in South Charleston. TMO is in operation from November through May, depending of field availability due to crops.

We welcome all fliers to come and fly with us, as our field can support flights up to O impulse. We welcome NAR and TRA fliers as well as school groups, scouts, and college students.

Visitors can expect to see flights ranging from tiny Estes-style model rockets flying on A impulse motors up to GIANT rockets towering over ten feet tall flying on HUGE N and O impulse motors. We look forward to seeing you at our next launch!